July 19, 2024

Check out your hit single for the summer! Back in January, we did a callout for singers who love Beach Ultimate, and today, we’re thrilled to share the release of the WBUCC2024’s theme song, “Got a Disc to Throw”! 🥏

First and foremost, we’d like to give a huge shoutout and thank you to everyone who participated and voted in this contest! Your enthusiasm and support for Beach Ultimate and this tournament make it all worth it. Now for the details! 🤩

To bring the WBUCC anthem to life, Beatrice Constantin, a Portuguese native whose beautiful voice really wowed us and all our voters, was selected as the singer. Together with the song’s producer, Tomas van der Valk, they combined their artistry to finalize a wonderful WBUCC2024 anthem.

Beatrice’s laid-back yet upbeat and exceptional vocals were the perfect centerpiece for a song. At the same time, Tomas’s voice and production skills shine through. We believe the result is an unforgettable song for Beach Ultimate players and fans around the world.

So, without further ado, we present to you “Got a Disc to Throw!”

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